Step Right Up–Lovecraftian Sideshow Art on Kickstarter

Nyarlathotep sideshow poster by Midnight Circle

     Much to my wife’s annoyance, I just can’t keep off my Kickstarter app.  Sitting in the doctor’s office (a frequent happening for me lately)  or waiting for my daughter to wrap up her play rehearsal…I just can’t NOT look to see what’s new.  One of the first things I usually do is search the keywords, “Cthulhu” and “Lovecraft.”   A couple of days ago, I hit upon this project. And while there’s only about a week left in the campaign, I still have to drop a plug for the Lovecraft Inspired Sideshow Art Series by Midnight Circle LLC.

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Hit Me H.P.–Cthulhu Playing Cards on Kickstarter

Cthulhu (Bicycle) Playing Cards by Dann Kriss Games

Cthulhu (Bicycle) Playing Cards by Dann Kriss Games

     A few months ago, I told ya’ll about my new hobby (because can you really have too many?) of collecting playing card decks off Kickstarter. To date, I’ve backed thirteen playing card projects, ten of which have funded and I’ve even already received my first deck.  Today, I’m back with a heads up on a really cool deck featuring everyone’s favorite elder gods.

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More Kickstarter Goodness–Dice & Call of Cthulhu

Floating Face Metal Dice

Copyright K. Sorensen, 2013

      In case you’re sitting around with a wad of cash burning a hole in your pocket, I’m back with some suggestions upon which you might spend it.

      Lately, with the coming of summer, I’ve been drafted into grilling something almost every night.  My wife is a big fan of grilled corn, which is great, but it takes 30 minutes to cook.  So I often find myself sitting there on the back patio, all alone with iPhone in hand.  What better way to pass the time than checking out what’s shaking on Kickstarter? As a service to you, my loyal readers, I sift through the crap so you don’t have to, and bring you two gotta-have projects from the always mouth-watering “Tabletop Games” category.

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It’s Evil and It’s Inflatable

Pure inflatable evil

Pure inflatable evil

“In his house behind the couch, Cthulhu waits dreaming.”
                                                    –H.P. Lovecraft (sorta)

     I like inflatable stuff.  Used to have a 5′ green inflatable alien in my old bedroom.  I don’t exaggerate when I say “It really tied the room together.”

     Recently, while searching “Cthulhu” on Amazon, I came across the Inflatable Cthulhu Arm. Went right into the ol’ Shopping Cart and arrived at my door three days later.  Of course, as is often the case with me, I bought it before I’d thought about what I’d actually do with it.  Luckilly, inspiration hit quickly and it now resides behind the Nerd Cave couch.  My kids love it. My cats love it. My wife…well, she didn’t give me much on it, but I think she secretly digs it.  I offered to buy one for our room but she hasn’t gotten back to me on that yet.

      Now I just need to find a place to fit in a 5′ green inflatable alien…


Copyright 2013 It Came From The Nerd Cave

Trip to the Antique Mall

     Yesterday, while killing some time before heading to the theater to see Oz The Great and Powerful, the Nerd Cave Family pulled into the local antique mall.  You probably have at least one in your town.  The massive steel building crammed from floor to ceiling with junk, treasures, and everything in between.  Like most, this particular store is made up of dozens (if not hundreds) of booths belonging to dealers of everything under the sun.  If you’ve ever been to one, you know that one person’s definition of “antique” or “collectable” is often much different from yours.

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I can do what with the guest bedroom?

           So, one day I was sitting on the bed watching TV and my beautiful wife walks in, glances at the overflowing bookshelf on her side of the bedroom and gets a thoughtful/perplexed look on her face.  What’s important to know is that the bookcase in question was definitely NOT supposed to be overflowing with books.

           When we moved into our new home after our fire, I’d agreed to finally give my wife the “big girl bedroom” that she’d wanted for years.  For the last ten, our master bedroom had been a hot mess of wall-to-wall Late 20th Century Nerd style.   I can admit now that it wasn’t pretty.  Remember Mel Gibson’s apartment from Conspiracy Theory?  Well, it was kinda like that on a hardcore nerd tip but without Mel’s roaches.  And God love her, she never complained once.

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