Awhile back, I wrote about the conversion of my outside storage room into a modelling workshop which I ended up dubbing “The Nerd Lab”–a name inspired by Dale Dobeck’s (Step Brothers) “Beats Laboratory.” Well, it didn’t exactly work out.
Tag Archives: miniatures
Shambling Back Into My Hobbies
What’s up nerds? It’s been awhile since I’ve been here scribbling but I’m back…in more ways than one.
The New Banner? Oh, I Just Threw That Together…
Did you happen to notice the new banner at the top of the page? Kinda hard to miss I suppose. I added it a couple of weeks ago but I’m just now getting around to commenting on it.
I liked the previous banner OK. But it was never meant to be a long-term thing. I’d originally composed it as a place-holder for the blog while I was learning Photoshop–until I could come up with something better. Then a combination of laziness and “Hey, that looks pretty good” took over and it held that place for almost two years.
Misc. Musings–October 2013
What up Nerds? Just sitting here on the couch watching Bama stomp Arkansas like a flaming bag of dog poop on the front porch and pondering what’s up next for Operation Get Off Your Butt. Thought I’d think out loud and offer a few tid-bits for my seven loyal readers.
Mars Attacks-The Miniatures Game on Kickstarter
If this was a podcast, I’d be squealing like a little schoolgirl. To say I loves me some Mars Attacks is like saying Rebel Wilson prefers a gunny sack of Krispy Kreme donuts to a bean sprout salad with a light vinaigrette. It’s an understatement. And before anyone accuses me of hating on the fat people, I’d be right there with Rebel choking down chocolate covered creme-filleds and slamming a 2 liter Mountain Dew.
Kickstart My Heart–Reaper Miniatures’ Bones II Project
I stumbled upon my first gaming miniatures around Christmas of 1981. I was 13 and had tagged along with a neighbor one Saturday night to a small bookstore named, Book Villa, located in Huntsville, Alabama. They had a pretty impressive selection of Dungeons & Dragons products including a large rack of Grenadier & Ral Partha miniatures. I could (and did) browse those blisters and boxed sets for hours.
Designing the Nerd Cave–Modeling Workbench
I’ve been buildling models since about the age of ten and I’ve had a model workbench everywhere I’ve lived since 1989. I’m a huge military history buff and I used to build 1/35 scale armor models almost exclusively. However, in the years since my kids were born, I’d gotten bored with them, had less time and all but lost interest. They tended to be massive dust collectors and I had pretty much maxed out my skills on them.
In the years before our house fire, I’d started dabbling in Warhammer, 40K, Lord of the Rings miniatures, spacecraft and large scale figures. I actually had a pretty nice Warhammer Vampire Counts army progressing. Key word: had.
Welcome to the first installment of It Came From the Nerd Cave. If Seinfeld was the “show about nothing,” then this will be the “blog about a whole bunch.” If it falls into the realm of nerd culture, then I’m likely heavily into it, have dabbled in it at some point, or have it sitting in my shopping cart ready to be dabbled in. I’m new to blogging but I’ve been living the nerd dream since the early 1980s when I discovered comics, Frank Frazetta, Dungeons & Dragons, and a ton of other really cool stuff.