Operation GET OFF YOUR BUTT–The Nerd Bunker

     Well, Operation GOYB is up and rolling. My plan to quit planning (a contradiction, I know) and get to doing made some progress yesterday (to be detailed in a post tomorrow).  One of my bigger projects around here is converting our outside storage room (5 1/2′ x 11′) into the ultimate hobby workshop (within size & budget limitations). I shall call it…The Nerd Bunker.

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Podcasts For Nerds 2–Electric Boogaloo


     Six months ago, I posted about some of the podcasts I listen to at work in my tomb-like windowless office. Since then, I’ve spotlighted some of my favorites as Podcasts of the Month.  But in my neverending quest to spread the nerd gospel, I thought I might just go ahead and post the playlist from my office computer.

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Podcast of the Month: Hex Encounter


     What’s going on my people?  If you’re a wargamer (I’m kinda in that mode these days), listen up, because I’m back with a podcast you need to add to your bookmarks or iTunes playlist.  I’m talking about the Hex Encounter wargame podcast.

     Currently up to thirteen episodes, H.E. has been around for a little while.  However, I think they recently changed hosts/updated their website, so the publish dates listed aren’t necessarily accurate.  However long they’ve been doing it, they’re doing it well.

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What’s Going On In The Nerd Cave?


     Greetings to my loyal readers. Sitting here on the couch after another mind numbing day in my office dungeon with a tax audit sprinkled on for extra flavor. Oh, your house burned down? Yeah, if you could go ahead and prove it, that’d be great.  Anyway, heres a quick update of what’s been happening here in my corner of Nerd Nation.

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Podcast of the Month: The Nerdherders


     A few months ago, I posted some short reviews about several podcasts I listen to regularly in my dungeon-like, windowless, government office. Recently, after catching a quick reference to these guys in one of them, I tracked down The Nerdherders Podcast.  I just finished getting caught up on all 29 published episodes this afternoon and The Nerdherders are now firmly on my Top Five List of “Must Listen” Podcasts.

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Turn It Up And Rip The Knob Off! Podcasts for Nerds


     I work inside a 100+ year old building.  I don’t know what’s in the bricks they used back then, but whatever it was, it isn’t conducive to great radio reception.  Luckily, I’ve got an office in the dungeon that I share with no one so I can pretty much listen to podcasts on my computer all day long. If you could sit and talk about your hobbies and interests for hours on end, then the next best thing while you’re shackled to your desk or stuck in traffic is firing up a podcast.

     Here’s a laundry list of eight podcasts I regularly tune in to during my mind-numbing workday… Continue reading