Hit Me H.P.–Cthulhu Playing Cards on Kickstarter

Cthulhu (Bicycle) Playing Cards by Dann Kriss Games

Cthulhu (Bicycle) Playing Cards by Dann Kriss Games

     A few months ago, I told ya’ll about my new hobby (because can you really have too many?) of collecting playing card decks off Kickstarter. To date, I’ve backed thirteen playing card projects, ten of which have funded and I’ve even already received my first deck.  Today, I’m back with a heads up on a really cool deck featuring everyone’s favorite elder gods.

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Movie Recommendation: The Innkeepers

The Innkeepers (2011)

     I love horror movies. A passion that is unfortunately not shared by my wife. Which sucks a little because part of the fun of watching a scary flick is experiencing it with other people. But alas, it looks like I’m going to have to live with being scared by myself or wait for my son to hit 13 or so.

     For me, the thrill of watching a good horror film comes from becoming physically involved in the story.  I might get a thrill from watching Indiana Jones or The Avengers, but they’re not going to spike my blood pressure, raise my heart rate, or keep me from falling asleep. A truly scary film will stay with you for quite a long time.

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     Welcome to the first installment of It Came From the Nerd Cave.   If Seinfeld was the “show about nothing,” then this will be the “blog about a whole bunch.”  If it falls into the realm of nerd culture, then I’m likely heavily into it, have dabbled in it at some point, or have it sitting in my Amazon.com shopping cart ready to be dabbled in.  I’m new to blogging but I’ve been living the nerd dream since the early 1980s when I discovered comics, Frank Frazetta, Dungeons & Dragons, and a ton of other really cool stuff.

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