What’s up nerds? It’s been awhile since I’ve been here scribbling but I’m back…in more ways than one.
Category Archives: Miniatures
Odds & Ends–February 2014
What’s up nerds? I’ve been scarce on here lately and thought I’d jump on with a few quick tidbits. I know that YOU, my seven loyal readers, have been on the edge of your seats awaiting the dropping of knowledge…
Nerd Bunker Update: 10-12-2013
Just a quick update/pat-on-my-back for making some forward progress today in the transformation of our outdoor storage closet into a fully functioning hobby workshop.
Mars Attacks-The Miniatures Game on Kickstarter
If this was a podcast, I’d be squealing like a little schoolgirl. To say I loves me some Mars Attacks is like saying Rebel Wilson prefers a gunny sack of Krispy Kreme donuts to a bean sprout salad with a light vinaigrette. It’s an understatement. And before anyone accuses me of hating on the fat people, I’d be right there with Rebel choking down chocolate covered creme-filleds and slamming a 2 liter Mountain Dew.
Kickstart My Heart–Reaper Miniatures’ Bones II Project
I stumbled upon my first gaming miniatures around Christmas of 1981. I was 13 and had tagged along with a neighbor one Saturday night to a small bookstore named, Book Villa, located in Huntsville, Alabama. They had a pretty impressive selection of Dungeons & Dragons products including a large rack of Grenadier & Ral Partha miniatures. I could (and did) browse those blisters and boxed sets for hours.
A Positive Games Workshop Story
You know, I realized that some recent cracks on Game Workshop could lead one to believe I have an ax to grind with them. And if I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times: lower those prices! Just like “if you build it, they will come,” I sincerely believe an across the board price decrease would go a long way to create some good will with hobbyists and gamers who love GW products.
But that being said, I thought I’d relate a story from a few years ago that demonstrates GW does have a heart.
Dusthammer 40K?
There’s a line from the movie Time Bandits that my wife loves to hear me say…”I’ve got an idea forming in my head.” It usually means we’re about to do something cool. Well, I think I’m about to try something cool.
I may have mentioned that I sit at a desk all day at work. Radio reception in our 100 year old building isn’t great so I tend to listen to podcasts all day. One day last week, I was tuned in to a recent episode (#102) of The D6 Generation, a gaming podcast. The guys had Romeo Filip of 40K Radio as a guest and gave a detailed review of the game Dust Warfare from Fantasy Flight Games.