Awhile back, I wrote about the conversion of my outside storage room into a modelling workshop which I ended up dubbing “The Nerd Lab”–a name inspired by Dale Dobeck’s (Step Brothers) “Beats Laboratory.” Well, it didn’t exactly work out.
Author Archives: Mike
Shambling Back Into My Hobbies
What’s up nerds? It’s been awhile since I’ve been here scribbling but I’m back…in more ways than one.
Thrift Shop Home Run
I’ve blogged before about the occasional gems to be found at antique malls, thrift stores, and garage sales. In the spirit of Two True Freaks’ Garage Sale Gloat episodes, I thought I’d drop in and tell you guys about my latest score…maybe inspire you to embark on a little treasure hunt of your own.
Very Pinteresting…
Typically late to the party, I only recently got on Pinterest. I guess I was in the camp of folks that thought it was an app meant mainly for the ladies…baby shower ideas, wedding stuff, mom tips, etc. Well, after a couple weeks with it, I can emphatically say that it might be the greatest thing to happen to nerds since Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson decided to print up some little booklets. Well, maybe that’s not a good comparison but work with me
Parcel of Terror? Just Take My Money…
Hey there my people. Back from a posting dry spell with something that’s got me really nerding out. Thought I’d share it with you guys…
A Cornucopia of Nerdiness
Thanksgiving greetings to my fellow nerds around the world. I’m back to the blogosphere with some random and miscellaneous thoughts, observations and updates. Hopefully a little something here to interest just about anybody…
Weird Science! 5th Grade Plant Cell Project
I was informed last Friday that my daughter had an impending due date on a project for her 5th Grade Science class. The assignment was to produce a 3-D representation of either a plant or animal cell using just about any medium the student wanted.
According to my daughter, the majority of her classmates were either going to go with something edible (pasta, cake, etc.) or the old standy-by: a Styrofoam ball. I was tasked with heading to the local Hobby Lobby Saturday morning to procure supplies. I ended up with an idea that may be unique in the history of cell model science projects!
I Wish That I Had Jessie’s Chair…
I have an admission to make. Up until a week ago, I’d never been to a rock concert. It seems weird even to me. I love music and I rock out in my car as much (or better) than the next guy. But growing up, it wasn’t something my parents encouraged even as I heard my friends brag of seeing Bon Jovi, Judas Priest, Foreigner and other bands of the Eighties. Plus, being a sucka with no self-esteem, I’ve never been one of those “shake it in public” sorta dudes. Wallflowers represent!
Listen To My Playlist—LISTEN TO IT!
Listen up nerds. Kick back in the easy chair and strap on your Beats cause it’s podcastin’ time. As my seven loyal readers know, I’ve been pushing nerdcentric podcasts for awhile now (here & here, for example).
It’s long past time to post an update with some new podcasts I’ve discovered. But then I realized these things eventually fall off the front page and get lost in the mix. So in the interest of keeping things easily accessible, I’ve added a dedicated Podcast Playlist page (permanently available on the tool bar menu above) so you guys can check out what I’m listening to and hopefully find something new that’s right up your alley.
World of Nerdcraft–HULK GLAZE!!!
What up nerds of Earth? I took some time off last week and had a “stay-cation” with my kids during the last week of their Summer before the start of school. While I failed miserably at my one goal of NOT taking any naps, I did get some nerdy stuff done and thought I’d share some of it with my seven loyal readers.