That’s No Moon–That’s a Death Star Painted On An Old Album!


Death Star Spray Paint  Stencil Art by Rebecca Gallaher aka "beckosaurus" on Etsy

Death Star Spray Paint Stencil Art by Rebecca Gallaher aka “beckosaurus” on Etsy

      The walls of my Nerd Cave are what my wife often calls “busy.” I may be a little dense, but I don’t think she means it as a compliment. But however you want to describe my art collection, it’s all done by design.  I love the crowded look.  I don’t necessarily design the room for other people, but I do enjoy watching folks walk in for the first time and not quite know what they should look at first. Or second…Some people end up looking like a kitten watching a laser dot bounce around.

     One of the things I’ve tried to do in choosing art is to look for things that fall outside the realm of traditional rectangular, framed art. I want different.  I like oddly shaped pieces, 3-D art, and such.

     Recently, while lying around contemplating my life, I typed “Death Star” into the Etsy search box and stumbled upon Rebecca Gallaher’s Death Star art stenciled/spray-painted onto an old vinyl LP.  My Spidey sense went off with that “I gotta have it” vibe so in the cart it went. You know the rest.  My almost fully operational battle station arrived last week and I love it…

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Nerd Cave News: 5-12-2013

Austin Powers

     What’s up Nerds of Planet Earth?  Because you requested it…NO, because you DEMANDED it, I’m back with what’s happening in the It Came From The Nerd Cave corner of the world.

Kickstarter Update

     My first foray into the world of Kickstarter has so far been a success.  Lincoln’s War by Multi-Man Publishing was fully funded and even managed to reach the first stretch goal.  I got an e-mail from MMP today letting me know that I’d be getting a survey soon wherein I get to specify my preferences on the premiums for my funding level.  In particular, I get to pick whether or not I want my Lincoln’s War Tee-Shirt to be the Abraham Lincoln version or the Jefferson Davis version.

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It’s Hard Out There For a Blogger

     Hey there. Long time no blog. It’s been a busy Summer and for various reasons, I just decided to back burner my blogging in favor of some other projects (aka chores around the house). But with Fall quickly approaching, my ducks are rapidly getting in a row and I’m ready to get back to work.

     As a warm-up exercise, here are some quick hits…

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