I’ve blogged before about the occasional gems to be found at antique malls, thrift stores, and garage sales. In the spirit of Two True Freaks’ Garage Sale Gloat episodes, I thought I’d drop in and tell you guys about my latest score…maybe inspire you to embark on a little treasure hunt of your own.
Category Archives: Books
Very Pinteresting…
Typically late to the party, I only recently got on Pinterest. I guess I was in the camp of folks that thought it was an app meant mainly for the ladies…baby shower ideas, wedding stuff, mom tips, etc. Well, after a couple weeks with it, I can emphatically say that it might be the greatest thing to happen to nerds since Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson decided to print up some little booklets. Well, maybe that’s not a good comparison but work with me
You Won’t Turn Loose The Good Stuff…You Just Sell The Junk.
The title of this post is a line from the film American Splendor. Main man Harvey Pekar is a record collector and sells a few albums on the side. This was pre-Craigslist & eBay days so he mainly hits the flea markets and swap meets or trades with his collector buddies. He has an exchange with crotchety co-worker Mr. Boats in which he’s accused of holding back the primo albums from his collection and only selling the crap that nobody wants.
Well, duh Mr. Boats. Any collector worth his salt doesn’t easily part with the gems of his collection…that’s the point of collecting! And therein lies my dilemma. And yes, as you might have noticed if you’re a regular reader…I have a lot of dilemmas in my life. Apparently they’re my thang.
Selling Stuff on eBay–The Sweet, Sweet Sound of “Cha-Ching.”

Five dolla bills ya’ll
What’s up Nerd Nation? Back from a month away from Le Blog with an update from Operation Get Off Your Butt. While I haven’t been blogging, I have been a busy unit. The finishing touches are being put on the Nerd Bunker as we speak and I’m embarking on a new adventure in e-commerce. If you’re interested in hearing about my journey from frequent (“wayyyy too frequent”–The Wife) eBay buyer to hopefully successful eBay seller, read on…
The First Step To Recovery Is Admitting You Have A Problem…
Sometimes I do things that just make me shake my head and ask, “what’s wrong with me?” The most recent example of this dovetails well with my last post about the T.V. show, Collection Intervention. As I explained there, I tend to sympathize with the collectors in that show despite the fact that I think the producers want the viewer to go the other way. But if some chick rolled into my house and told me I needed to get rid of 1/2 my stuff AND I need to see a therapist, She’d get my size twelves right in the butt. But then again, a case maybe could be made that I do need professional help. Let me explain…
Moving Christmas–A Holiday Kickstarter Project Comin Down Your Chimney!
I know what you were thinking. “Dude…this guy must get a paycheck from Kickstarter. No, not THAT. You were thinking, “I wish I could find a cool Christmas gift on Kickstarter but those things take sooooo long to get delivered.” Well, fear not Merry Nerds of Earth. An outfit out of Los Angeles (my homeboys!) named Trusted Cape is offering a sweet little hardcover (and an eBook version) set to ship just in time for the most wonderful time of the year. Ladies and gents, check out Moving Christmas: A Holiday Adventure.
Step Right Up–Lovecraftian Sideshow Art on Kickstarter
Much to my wife’s annoyance, I just can’t keep off my Kickstarter app. Sitting in the doctor’s office (a frequent happening for me lately) or waiting for my daughter to wrap up her play rehearsal…I just can’t NOT look to see what’s new. One of the first things I usually do is search the keywords, “Cthulhu” and “Lovecraft.” A couple of days ago, I hit upon this project. And while there’s only about a week left in the campaign, I still have to drop a plug for the Lovecraft Inspired Sideshow Art Series by Midnight Circle LLC.
Hit Me H.P.–Cthulhu Playing Cards on Kickstarter
A few months ago, I told ya’ll about my new hobby (because can you really have too many?) of collecting playing card decks off Kickstarter. To date, I’ve backed thirteen playing card projects, ten of which have funded and I’ve even already received my first deck. Today, I’m back with a heads up on a really cool deck featuring everyone’s favorite elder gods.
You Down With O.C.D? Yeah, You Know Me!
What up nerds? A big part of Operation Get Off Your Butt is about getting organized. That’s something I’m usually all over, but lately…not so much. Years ago, my uncle, referring to someone I’ve long forgotten, said, “He needs to get his fragmented <stuff> together.” Except he didn’t say “stuff.” That’s one of those sayings that has stayed with me over the years and I use it frequently. It describes exactly what I’m trying to accomplish in my own life.
You’d think someone who lost everything in a house fire two years ago wouldn’t have had much opportunity to get out of control as far as organization goes. I mean, Dude…you started from scratch. How bad could it be? Well, I figured out a way to do it, so I’m going to have to spend a good part of fall 2013 getting stuff in order. The good news is that I enjoy the work.
One of the many mini-projects within that effort highlights my particular brand of nerdy O.C.D. And yes, I realize I’m probably reaching a bit here on the definition of Obessive Compulsive Disorder. But the title was too good to pass up. Anyway, what am I talking about and what am I up to?
Another One Bites The Dust…
I recently learned that my local Books-A-Million store is closing down, which, as a book lover, kinda sucks for me. No reason was given, but you don’t need an MBA to deduce what killed off this particular store.