Because one can never really ever have too many wargames, I’ve just jumped on as a backer of Worthington Publishing’s New York 1776 Kickstarter project. The game simulates one of the key campaigns of the American Revolutionary War. It’s one I’m not very knowledgeable about, so I’m excited to tear the shrink wrap off of this one.
Category Archives: History
You Down With O.C.D? Yeah, You Know Me!
What up nerds? A big part of Operation Get Off Your Butt is about getting organized. That’s something I’m usually all over, but lately…not so much. Years ago, my uncle, referring to someone I’ve long forgotten, said, “He needs to get his fragmented <stuff> together.” Except he didn’t say “stuff.” That’s one of those sayings that has stayed with me over the years and I use it frequently. It describes exactly what I’m trying to accomplish in my own life.
You’d think someone who lost everything in a house fire two years ago wouldn’t have had much opportunity to get out of control as far as organization goes. I mean, Dude…you started from scratch. How bad could it be? Well, I figured out a way to do it, so I’m going to have to spend a good part of fall 2013 getting stuff in order. The good news is that I enjoy the work.
One of the many mini-projects within that effort highlights my particular brand of nerdy O.C.D. And yes, I realize I’m probably reaching a bit here on the definition of Obessive Compulsive Disorder. But the title was too good to pass up. Anyway, what am I talking about and what am I up to?
Some Thoughts On Memorial Day
The weather here is beautiful and I’m gearing up the family for a weekend of barbecuing, the Indy 500, outdoor fun, and perhaps a movie or two. However, in the midst of all the fun, I thought I’d take a few minutes to remember the men and women who’ve given their lives in our country’s service and tell ya’ll a short story.
Recommended Reading: Aviation History Magazine
I’ve mentioned before that I love me some magazines. I’m always happy to get home from another mind-numbing day in my windowless office to find the mailbox stuffed with new reading material. Walked in yesterday to find the July 2013 issue of Aviation History Magazine (not pictured above) waiting on the counter for me.