A few months ago, I told ya’ll about my new hobby (because can you really have too many?) of collecting playing card decks off Kickstarter. To date, I’ve backed thirteen playing card projects, ten of which have funded and I’ve even already received my first deck. Today, I’m back with a heads up on a really cool deck featuring everyone’s favorite elder gods.
The Cthulhu Bicycle playing card deck by Dann Kriss Games features beautiful painted art by Ian Daniels and is being printed by the United States Playing Card Company. As I write this, there’s 15 days to go and the project is already funded at nearly three times the original goal.
Besides these really nice decks, DKG is offering a bunch of cool add-ons including dice, wristbands, coins, pins & cufflinks, t-shirts, mugs and prints of Ian Daniels’ amazing art. So, if you’re into the Lovecraft Mythos even a little, go check out this project.
That’s if for now. Until next time, stay Lovecraftian my friends…
Copyright 2013 It Came From The Nerd Cave