Very Pinteresting…

Pinterest logo

      Typically late to the party, I only recently got on Pinterest. I guess I was in the camp of folks that thought it was an app meant mainly for the ladies…baby shower ideas, wedding stuff, mom tips, etc. Well, after a couple weeks with it, I can emphatically say that it might be the greatest thing to happen to nerds since Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson decided to print up some little booklets.   Well, maybe that’s not a good comparison but work with me

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Kickstartin’ Like a Pack of Crowd-Funding Ninjas

ninja working at desk

Nosey slash nagging wife asleep? Ninja jammies equipped? Logged onto Kickstarter? Check. Check. Andddd check.

     Greetings Nerd Consumers of the Free Market Economy!  It’s been just over a year since I cannonballed into the Kickstarter pool. I thought it might be an interesting exercise to blog about some lessons learned in my foray into the world of crowd-funding.

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Kickstarter Spotlight-New York 1776 War Game

New York 1776 by Worthington Publishing

New York 1776 by Worthington Publishing

     Because one can never really ever have too many wargames, I’ve just jumped on as a backer of Worthington Publishing’s New York 1776 Kickstarter project.  The game simulates one of the key campaigns of the American Revolutionary War. It’s one I’m not very knowledgeable about, so I’m excited to tear the shrink wrap off of this one.

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The First Step To Recovery Is Admitting You Have A Problem…


TL;DR--Got it to read...Won't read it.

TL;DR–Got it to read…Won’t read it.

     Sometimes I do things that just make me shake my head and ask, “what’s wrong with me?”  The most recent example of this dovetails well with my last post about the T.V. show, Collection Intervention.  As I explained there, I tend to sympathize with the collectors in that show despite the fact that I think the producers want the viewer to go the other way. But if some chick rolled into my house and told me I needed to get rid of 1/2 my stuff AND I need to see a therapist, She’d get my size twelves right in the butt. But then again, a case maybe could be made that I do need professional help. Let me explain…

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Collection Intervention? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo


What do you mean a closet is meant for clothing?

What do you mean a closet is supposed to hold clothing?

     A few weeks ago, I was channel surfing and stumbled upon a new series on SyFy called Collection Intervention. What’s this? A room with wall-to-wall comic book boxes? Interest grabbed.

     So I DVR’d the series and recently sat down to watch a mini-marathon.  If you’re the stereotypical nerd collector-type, you’ll likely see a bit (or a lot) of yourself in the “hapless” souls featured on the show. And when I say “hapless,” I mean, “WOW, I wish I had that stuff!”

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Sherlock Holmes Playing Cards on Kickstarter? It’s Elementary…

The Sherlock Holmes Playing Card Deck (Baker Street Edition) by Jackson Robinson

The Sherlock Holmes Playing Card Deck (Baker Street Edition) by Jackson Robinson

     Your man here is a HUGE Sherlock Holmes fan.  Back in 1989, my then-girlfriend got me The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle for a birthday present and I was hooked. Of course, when I say, “got,” I later learned that she most likely shoplifted it. Turns out, when your girlfriend asks you to pick her up from her community service, it may not be for a speeding ticket even if that’s what she claims. Yeah, that shoulda probably been a red flag. But I digress.

     As a long-time fan of the world’s most famous detective, I was pretty excited to get an e-mail last week from Jackson Robinson announcing his new Kickstarter project–a Holmes-inspired playing card deck.

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Hit Me H.P.–Cthulhu Playing Cards on Kickstarter

Cthulhu (Bicycle) Playing Cards by Dann Kriss Games

Cthulhu (Bicycle) Playing Cards by Dann Kriss Games

     A few months ago, I told ya’ll about my new hobby (because can you really have too many?) of collecting playing card decks off Kickstarter. To date, I’ve backed thirteen playing card projects, ten of which have funded and I’ve even already received my first deck.  Today, I’m back with a heads up on a really cool deck featuring everyone’s favorite elder gods.

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