Collection Intervention? Nooooooooooooooooooooooo


What do you mean a closet is meant for clothing?

What do you mean a closet is supposed to hold clothing?

     A few weeks ago, I was channel surfing and stumbled upon a new series on SyFy called Collection Intervention. What’s this? A room with wall-to-wall comic book boxes? Interest grabbed.

     So I DVR’d the series and recently sat down to watch a mini-marathon.  If you’re the stereotypical nerd collector-type, you’ll likely see a bit (or a lot) of yourself in the “hapless” souls featured on the show. And when I say “hapless,” I mean, “WOW, I wish I had that stuff!”

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Misc. Musings–September 2013


Buying My Comics Follow-Up

      Back in June, I wrote a post about how I was ending my twenty-four year relationship with Westfield Comics and switching to Discount Comic Book Service as the supplier of my new comics and related swag. Three months later, I’ve received my first two shipments from DCBS and thought I’d share some first impressions.

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To bag or not to bag…THAT is the question.

Uhhh son...that's probably gonna knock the CGC grade down a little bit.

Uhhh son…that’s probably gonna knock the CGC grade down a little bit.

     OK, this one falls well into the category of “First World Problems.”  Even so, I’ve got a minor dilemma I’ve been going back and forth on and thought I’d share it with you guys in a “thinking out loud” kinda way.

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Misc. Musings–August 2013

Call The Discovery Channel!!! Megalodon spotted in Gulf Shores, Alabama.

Call The Discovery Channel!!! A Megalodon was just spotted in Gulf Shores, Alabama.

     Greetings nerds of Earth! I’m back from vacation and gearing up for a fall season chock full of nerdy goodness.  July was a bit busy with various stuff, so I thought I’d jump on here to drop some random thoughts on you…

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Podcasts For Nerds 2–Electric Boogaloo


     Six months ago, I posted about some of the podcasts I listen to at work in my tomb-like windowless office. Since then, I’ve spotlighted some of my favorites as Podcasts of the Month.  But in my neverending quest to spread the nerd gospel, I thought I might just go ahead and post the playlist from my office computer.

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Comic Books…Comic Books Everywhere

"C" is for "cat." If I fitz, I sitz.

“C” is for “cat.” If I fitz, I sitz.

     Hey there nerds of the world. Busy Summer here in my neck of the woods. I’ve been spending a lot more time than I’d like working on my lawn…And I use the word “lawn” loosely. I knew I had to do something when “mowing the lawn” became “mowing the dirt.”  I look like PigPen from Peanuts out there, engulfed by a huge, swirling cloud of dust. Kinda embarrassing when the neighbors drive by. But besides that, I’ve been diligently working on getting a big ol’ monkey off my back.

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Ummm…More Kickstarter Projects

World War Kaiju graphic novel by Team Kaiju

World War Kaiju graphic novel by Team Kaiju

     Don’t tell my wife, but your man backed three more Kickstarter projects this morning. I was sitting at my desk at work, minding my own business. Then I popped the latest episode of the Comic Geek Speak podcast into my Windows Media Player.  I knew I might be in trouble when I noted the episode title: Kickstarter Campaign Cavalcade!

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Making Some Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes In How I Buy My Comic Books

Mad scientist

I shoulda done this years ago!!!

     Let’s get all mad scientist up in here and do an experiment.  First though, I need you to go to the bank and buy a couple rolls of quarters.  Then walk down to the river and start chunking them in three at a time. DO WHAT!?!  Of course you’d never do such a thing. So imagine how I feel to realize I’ve been doing pretty much the same thing when it comes to buying my new comic books.  And I’ve been doing it for awhile. D’oh!  Allow me to explain.

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Coloring Pages–Nerd Cave Style

Captain America HATES Illinois Nazis…

     I was sitting on the couch this morning working on my laptop.  My son was playing with the new (vintage 1980’s) G.I. Joe action figures he picked up at Free Comic Book Day.  My daughter had apparently been bitten by the coloring bug.  She’d broken out her Mongo-sized box of crayons and was working on some teddy bear pages to send to her grandmother and great aunt (our fridge, which is stainless steel, isn’t magnetic–go figure).

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