Hey there my people. Back from a posting dry spell with something that’s got me really nerding out. Thought I’d share it with you guys…
I was existing in my office (aka “The Windowless Crypt”) yesterday and was tuned into the latest episode of the Miskatonic University Podcast–Which, by the way, is highly recommended if you’re at all interested in H.P. Lovecraft and the Call of Cthulhu role-playing game in particular.
The M.U.P. guys mentioned something called “The Parcel of Terror” and my curiosity was piqued. What is this Parcel of Terror you speak of? Well, it’s a thing being done by a company called Cryptocurium, which is (according to the website), a New Jersey-based maker of handmade Lovecraftian horrors, custom-made artifacts, specimens, and cult wear inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft.
I don’t know how, in all my years of nerding out to H.P.’s mythos, I’ve never stumbled upon this guy (Cryptocurium appears to be a one-man operation–impressive when you peruse his website–my man is talented). But boy, am I glad I did.
Turns out that Jason (THE Cryptocurium guy) is doing something similar to Loot Crate by starting a monthly subscription service for a box of goodies, or in this case, a Parcel of Terror. I’m always looking for new funky magnets and stuff for the Nerd Cave wall, and the inaugural P.O.T. has both. To paraphrase Jerry Maguire, ” You had me at Cthulhu wall plaque.”
The contents of future monthly parcels will be classified but based upon Jason’s talents and January’s offering, I can’t wait.
Oh, and while I was there, I picked up the limited edition Predator magnet set and the Innsmouth Tourist Guide. Clicking around gave me several ideas that might finally get my Lovecraft-themed Nerd Cave bathroom off the drawing board. I literally had to will myself to click away before I spent more $$$ and invoked my wife’s not-insignificant wrath (she gets the PayPal receipt e-mails as well). So, if you’re into Lovecraft, check out Cryptocurium’s uber-cool offerings and pick something up. Until next time…stay nerdy my friends.
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