Mars Attacks-The Miniatures Game on Kickstarter

Mars Attacks Miniatures Game by Mantic Games

Mars Attacks Miniatures Game by Mantic Games

     If this was a podcast, I’d be squealing like a little schoolgirl.  To say I loves me some Mars Attacks is like saying Rebel Wilson prefers a gunny sack of Krispy Kreme donuts to a bean sprout salad with a light vinaigrette. It’s an understatement. And before anyone accuses me of hating on the fat people, I’d be right there with Rebel choking down chocolate covered creme-filleds and slamming a 2 liter Mountain Dew.

     So, Mantic Games started hitting me with e-mails (I’m not special–I subscribed) a few weeks before their Kickstarter campaign for the Mars Attacks Miniatures Game went live. When it did, I backed that bad boy immediately.  From the box art to the miniatures to the terrain, the whole package looks freaking awesome and I can’t wait to play.

Mars Attacks Miniatures Game by Mantic Games

Mars Attacks Miniatures Game by Mantic Games

     Note, of course, that the minis don’t come painted, but they do come with the clear helmets.  Dude. They come with the CLEAR helmets. Whatever I’m working on when this box arrives (est. delivery August of 2014) is getting set aside and the neon purple, pink, and blue paints are getting broken out. And did I mention that the stretch goals & add-ons are amazing!  They’ve got burning cows (sorry PETA) and flying saucers! Eeeeeeeeek! (little schoolgirl squeal).

     So, unless you want your Nerd Card revoked, get on over to the project page and get to backin. Until next time…stay nerdy my friends

Copyright 2013 It Came From The Nerd Cave

Mars Attacks-The Miniatures Game is Copyright 2013 Mantic Games



2 thoughts on “Mars Attacks-The Miniatures Game on Kickstarter

  1. Ha! Nicely written and good observations !! I, too, have backed this and I already have a long line of minis to paint, so adding another bunch seems foolish.

    However, they are molded in colored plastic (Martians in blue, Human army in green, Charaters and heroes in Red) – this means you can play right out of the box, just like any other board game – or paint them, if you want (and I do want…)Hooray!!

    • Oh yeah. These have GOT to be painted although you’re dead on–my son and I will likely start playing as soon as we get the box. Gotta add that I’m really impressed with what Mantic is doing with this Kickstarter campaign. I’ve already raised my pledge to take advantage of the really cool stretch goal add-ons. Giant robots, Stealth Martians and Martian Marines? I may be raising that pledge again before this is all over.

      Thanks for stopping by…

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