A few months back, I was sorting through various categories of “stuff” (or “crap” if you listen to my wife). I had the hide-a-bed pulled out since it makes for more comfy movie viewing at night. Between that and the T.V. cart, there was hardly room to move around. Then, I needed something out of the closet. You may recall way back when I said moving the T.V. cart out of the way was easy? Well, not so much. And I certainly wasn’t going to be moving it anywhere with piles of comics, magazines, and other stuff in the way. I had a log jam.
To quote Vanilla Ice, “If there was a problem, yo I’ll solve it.” A few minutes of cogitatin’ later and a light bulb went off. Once I got the area cleared, off came the closet doors. Of course, I had to find something to do with all the stuff (“crap” may actually be a more accurate description here) in the closet. It took awhile, but once I got it cleared out, the T.V. cart fit like a charm. I’m using the closet shelf to store my model kits and some of my larger box wargames.
When my wife walked in, she unconsciously quoted my favorite scene from Stepbrothers by dropping “there’s so much more room!” I added “for activities” in my head.
I don’t love the hinge plates on the door frame, but taking them off isn’t a solution. Really though, I don’t even notice them anymore.
Finally, you probably noticed the 5 foot inflatable green alien in the corner. I had one of those in our bedroom at the old place. And I actually included it on the contents inventory for our insurance claim. Until I turned the closet into an “entertainment alcove,” I never really had anywhere to put one. There is no way another one was going in our bedroom this time. It’s like having an old friend back and I will be turning in the receipt to my insurance company for replacement value reimbursement. I wish I could see the look on our adjuster’s face when he comes across that one…
Copyright 2013 It Came From The Nerd Cave