Happy Anniversary Baby…Got You On My Mie-indddddd

Dancing couple

It had been a lovely evening until a ninja throwing star came out of nowhere…

      Well nerds, here we are. My two year anniversary as a world-renowned blogger, gazer of navel,  and pusher of all things nerdy. Well, maybe not world-renowned. But I’m pretty dang renowned within my circle of 7 loyal readers.

      BTW, if you don’t get the reference in the title of this post, then check out this video but please come back after you get done grooving to the sweet, sweet stylings of the Little River Band. Takes me back to the Summer of 78…

      So, you ask, what’s going on with It Came From The Nerd Cave? What are we doing? Where are we going? Why does it smell like Fritos in here? I’m glad you asked… Continue reading