The New Banner? Oh, I Just Threw That Together…

This is probably kinda what it looks like inside my head when I'm standing in line at the DMV.

This is probably kinda what it looks like inside my head when I’m standing in line at Wal-Mart on a Friday night…without the F bombs.

       Did you happen to notice the new banner at the top of the page?  Kinda hard to miss I suppose. I added it a couple of weeks ago but I’m just now getting around to commenting on it.

       I liked the previous banner OK.  But it was never meant to be a long-term thing.  I’d originally composed it as a place-holder for the blog while I was learning Photoshop–until I could come up with something better.  Then a combination of laziness and “Hey, that looks pretty good” took over and it held that place for almost two years.

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